The Australian National Rainbow Catholic Pastoral Care Guide offers parishes, schools and other Church ministries information and resources to assist them better understand, include and minister to LGBTIQ people and their families.
Books & Articles
- Building a Bridge by Fr. James Martin, SJ
- God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines
- Gay and Catholic by Eve Tushnet
- Undivided: Coming Out, Becoming Whole and Living Free from Shame by Vicky Beeching
- Torn by Justin Lee
- Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe by John Boswell
- Walking the Bridgeless Canyon: Repairing the Breach Between the Church and the LGBT Community by Kathy Baldock
- What is scapegoating? Why Gay Catholic priest James Alison spent years learning why people target minorities – an article published by the ABC
- JAMES ALISON – How did we get here: LGBTIQA+ and the Church? – a collaboration between Rainbow Catholics InterAgency, ACCCR, and Garratt Publishing
- Building Bridges: Reaching out to our LGBTQIA+ community with James Martin SJ by Catholic Religious Australia
- Bible and Homosexuality – a YouTube channel with several videos explaining the clobber verses (the verses that conservative Christians use to justify their hateful views)
- Owning Our Faith: LGBTQ Catholics explain their faith
- Transgender and Christian by Austen Hartke
- Vicky Beeching Keynote at The Reformation Project conference
- Equipped for Unconditional Love: Queer Eye’s Tammye and Miles Hicks – a talk by a formerly homophobic mum and her gay adult son that appeared on Queer Eye on Netflix. The Queer Eye episode they were on is just as fabulous to watch.
- Sacred Hearts – A short podcast story series created by Call To Action that is set in a Catholic high school.
- ‘Everyone is made in the image of God’: How a Catholic school helped support a trans student – an article in the Sydney Morning Herald. Scroll down the page to find the podcast.
- Word for Word’s episode with Teresa Ma (former Acceptance Melbourne President) on Joy FM which is Australia’s only LGBT station
- The drag queen and the hymn writer — Queering Christian music
- Trans in the Eyes of God – a podcast and discussion guide
Other LGBTIQA+ Catholic Organisations in Australia
- Acceptance Canberra
- Acceptance Melbourne
- Acceptance Sydney
- Australian Catholics for Equality
- Rainbow Catholics InterAgency Australia
International LGBTIQA+ Catholic Organisations
- Global Network of Rainbow Catholics – The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics brings together groups and their members who work for pastoral care, justice, inclusion, dignity and equality for LGBTIQ Catholics and their families in the Roman Catholic Church and wider society.
Crisis Support
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
- Headspace – 1800 650 890 – Free online and telephone service that supports young people aged between 12 and 25 and their families going through a tough time.
- Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – A free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
- QLife – 1800 184 527, 3pm-midnight. QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for LGBTI people.
- Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MEHRL) – 1300 555 788 for Perth metro area. 1800 676 822 for the Peel region.